Gotta serve somebody

If you’re running a business, especially a small one, you already know that every day you’re serving somebody. Whether it’s your customers, your team, or yourself, each task, email, and meeting is done to keep things moving. But in the rush to get things done, it’s easy to lose sight of the real reason behind it all - your purpose.

What if your marketing wasn’t just another task to accomplish? What if it became a powerful way to serve your customers, to help them solve real problems, and to make a lasting difference in their lives?

Marketing guru Seth Godin asks these two questions:

  1. Who are you here to serve?
  2. What is the change you are seeking to make?

It sounds simple but just spend a moment considering the impact these questions could have.

Your answers won’t just sharpen your marketing. They’ll make it easier, more authentic, and far more effective. Why does it matter and how would it work?

1. Who are you here to serve?

If we’re talking about serving somebody, the first step is knowing who that somebody is. Somebody is not 'anyone who might buy from me.' Real service happens when you know exactly who you’re speaking to. You know their name, their goals, what makes them tick!

Think about your ideal customer. Who is that person you can really help? Are they a small business owner, juggling finances and feeling stressed? Maybe they’re a parent who wants solutions that save time and make life easier. Or they’re someone on the hunt for sustainable products that match their values.

The key here is to understand their story. What struggles do they face? What goals are they chasing? Because when you understand their journey, your marketing isn’t just about selling a product; it’s about being there for someone who needs what you have to offer.

Imagine your ideal customer scrolling through social media and seeing your post. If it speaks directly to a problem they have, they’re going to pay attention. They’ll think they've found someone who understands what they are going through! That’s the power of knowing exactly who you’re here to serve.

2. What is the change you are seeking to make?

Now that you know who you’re serving, it’s time to think about the impact you want to make. What’s the real difference you’re aiming to bring to their lives?

Here’s the thing: your audience isn’t just buying a product or service; they’re investing in the outcome it offers - the success ending to the story. So if you’re a financial consultant, for example, the change you’re bringing isn’t just balanced books; it’s peace of mind. It’s the confidence of knowing their finances are in good hands. Or, if you’re running a wellness coach, your product isn’t just about the ingredients; it’s about helping people feel healthier and more confident.

By focusing on the change you’re making, you’re not just talking about what you do. You’re showing people why it matters. You’re offering a glimpse into a better, transformed version of their life, thanks to your help.

3 simple steps to bring your marketing to life

If you know who you’re here to serve and the change you’re looking to make, you can begin to put it into practice. Here’s a simple, three-step plan to guide your message:

  1. Clarity: Start with a clear, simple message. Define who your audience is, what problem they’re facing, and how you help solve it. Keep it straightforward. Your ideal customer should 'get it' in seconds. When you’re clear, your message cuts through the noise. When you confuse, you lose (says Donald Miller)!
  2. Consistency: Once you’ve nailed down your message, keep it consistent. Make sure your website, social media, and emails all tell the same story. Consistency builds trust over time, and the more familiar you are to your audience, the more likely they are to turn to you when they’re ready. Trust is more important than attention. Don't aim to get everyone's attention. Aim to get their trust.
  3. Customer-Centric Content: Finally, create content that speaks to your customer’s needs. Imagine you’re sitting down with them over a cup of tea; what questions would they ask? What are they struggling with? Addressing those questions in your content builds a connection that goes beyond a single sale. It shows you’re here for them, ready to serve.

Why it works

When you make your marketing about serving others, you’re not just creating sales; you’re building connection, you're building loyalty. People trust businesses that consistently address their needs and make life a little easier. Think of the brands you love, the ones you keep going back to. They’re probably brands that make you feel seen, understood, and valued.

When people see that you’re not just selling but truly invested in their success, they’re more likely to choose you and stay with you. You become a reliable source, not just another option in the sea of businesses vying for attention.

Gotta serve somebody

Marketing doesn’t have to be a mystery. It can be the thing that brings purpose, connection, and real impact to your business. So, as you plan your next social media post, video, blog, or email, take a moment to ask yourself:

  • Who am I here to serve?
  • What change am I seeking to make?

These questions might seem simple, but they’re transformative. When you answer them with clarity and authenticity, you’ll start creating marketing that resonates, builds trust, and keeps the right people coming back.

If you’re ready to take this journey further, we’d love to help.

Schedule a call today to see how we can help you clarify your message and connect with your customers.

P.S. Download a free checklist for creating marketing content your audience can't ignore on the homepage and download the free PDF.

Schedule a call and get clear and simple, story-based marketing and content for your website, social media, and email campaigns.

Download a free checklist for creating marketing content

This checklist isn’t just about creating content; it’s about creating content that speaks directly to your audience, builds trust, and drives action.

With these eight steps, you’re equipped to produce engaging, customer-focused content that meets your audience’s needs and grows your business.
Marketing Checklist 2024

8 Steps to Content Your Audience Can't Ignore

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Marketing Assessment

Perhaps the hardest but most critical part of running a business is getting your marketing right.

You can keep spending money on marketing without the confidence it’s being spent on the right things, or you can pinpoint exactly what needs to change.

The StoryBrand Marketing Report is an online assessment that lets any small business owner understand where their marketing plan is falling short and what it should look like.

If you feel like you’ve been marketing your business without a playbook, you’ll love your custom marketing report! 

Take the free assessment now!
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