Making the customer the hero. What does it mean?

November 22, 2023

I’m sure you have heard this phrase a few times now but have you ever wondered what it means to make 'the customer the hero' in your marketing strategy?

As a StoryBrand Certified Marketing Guide, we believe in the storytelling approach to marketing, where the customer is the main character in the story, not your brand.

This shift in perspective is essential and transformative - for you and your customer. Making your customer the hero helps them feel seen, heard, and understood. It's their journey, their challenges, and their success that should be your marketing focus.

After all, their success is your success.

Why does this matter?

When a customer sees themselves in your story, they connect more deeply with your brand. It's not about how great your product is, but about how it can help them conquer their challenges and achieve their goals.

So your business should always play the guide; the generous expert, not the hero. Think of Yoda to Luke Skywalker or Tony Stark to Peter Parker. You are there to provide the wisdom, tools, and encouragement to help the hero (customer) succeed.

How can you achieve this?

  1. Listen to your customer and understand their journey. Know your customer's challenges, goals, and aspirations. Speak their language.
  2. Clearly show how your product or service can help them on their journey.
  3. Make their achievements the highlight of your story.

Playing the supportive guide leads to a more engaged and raving fan base. It fosters a deeper emotional connection with your brand, as you become an ally in their journey.

If you need help working out how to bring your customer into your story and make them the hero then visit our website and schedule a call.

Simple Story Marketing. Helping purpose-led businesses bring change with simple, story-based marketing; content for websites, social media, and email campaigns. Marketing for change-makers.
If you need help working out how to bring your customers into your story and make them the hero then email us or visit the website to schedule a call and we’ll let you know how it all works!

P.S. If you want to make 7 simple changes to your website content so it makes the customer the hero visit the homepage and download the free PDF.

Schedule a call and get clear and simple, story-based marketing and content for your website, social media, and email campaigns.
Simple Story Marketing for busy non profits and small sustainable busineses
Transforming Marketing Chaos Into Clarity
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StoryBrand Marketing Guide, Stafford, UK
Certified StoryBrand Marketing Guide since May 2021.
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