What is StoryBrand and How Can It Help Your Business Connect with Customers?

October 9, 2024

From cave paintings to the classics, Jesus to J.K. Rowling, Shakespeare to Spielberg, storytelling has always been how we connect, learn, and inspire. Stories help us make sense of things. They engage us because the journey from a problem to a solution is at the heart of every transformation. Whether it's an unexpected challenge or an obstacle that must be overcome, when something changes a story begins. As Will Storr says in The Science of Storytelling, ‘[change is] the crack in the universe through which the future arrives. Change is hope. Change is promise. It’s our winding path to a more successful tomorrow’.

At Simple Story Marketing, we use the StoryBrand framework to help businesses connect more easily with their customers. Potential customers come to you with a problem, and want to know if your product or service can solve it. Your business has the opportunity to guide them from confusion to clarity, helping them achieve the transformation they’re looking for.

What is StoryBrand?

StoryBrand is a marketing framework that uses the power of storytelling to help businesses clarify their message. At its heart, it’s about positioning your customer as the hero of the story and your business as the guide who helps them overcome their challenges, like Mary Poppins, Dumbledore, or your Strictly professional dance partner.

In every story, the hero is in need of a solution to a problem. Your customers are no different. They’re asking questions, trying to solve specific problems, and your role as their guide is to answer those questions with clarity and expertise. By doing so, you help your customers move from frustration to success.

How Does StoryBrand Work?

The StoryBrand framework follows seven key elements, each of which aligns with the questions your customers are asking.

  1. The Hero (Your Customer):
    Every story begins with a hero who wants or needs something. In your business, the hero is your customer. They’re seeking a solution to a specific problem - they want something. That might be they need a new house, a better coffee, or more regular customers. The transformation begins when they start asking questions like, ‘How can I get what I need?’. Your role is to guide them toward the solution by answering those questions.

    In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker wants to leave the distant planet he lives on to fight the evil Empire.
  2. The Problem:
    The catalyst for every story is the problem that needs solving. Your customer’s journey begins when they encounter a problem they need help with. The problem is stopping them from getting what they need or want. Internally, they are asking questions such as ‘Why isn’t this working?’ or ‘What are the best options available to me?’ Identifying the problems and answering the questions clearly is key to guiding your customer toward the solution.

    The problem in Jaws is a shark is keeping the tourists away from Amityville.
  3. The Guide (Your Business):
    In every big story, the hero meets a guide who has wisdom and experience. They walk alongside to hero and help them navigate their challenges. In your business, you are the guide - not the hero! This can be a big shift in thinking. You have the expertise to solve the problem and answer the questions your customers are asking. Your role is not just to sell a product or service, but to provide clear answers that show your customer you understand their problem and can guide them toward success.

    Dumbledore provides Harry Potter with guidance, knowledge, and support throughout his battle against Voldemort.
  4. The Plan:
    The guide always provides a plan that shows the hero how to solve their problem. In your marketing, this plan is the clear process you offer to your customers, answering questions like, ‘How does this work?’ or ‘What’s the next step?. Your plan should address common queries and offer simple, actionable steps that show how your business can help, like stepping stones across a river.

    Mr Miyagi teaches Karate Kid Daniel to ‘Wax on, wax off’, and so build his muscle memory for defending himself. 
  5. Call to Action:
    Heroes don’t take action unless they are called to take action. In the StoryBrand framework, your call to action should answer the question, ‘What should I do next?’ Customers often wonder about the next step, whether that’s booking a consultation, making a purchase, or signing up for a service. Your call to action should answer these questions directly, helping your customer move forward confidently.

    In The Wizard of Oz, Glinda instructs Dorothy to ‘follow the yellow brick road’!
  6. Avoid Failure:
    If a story is to be compelling, something has to be at stake - what would happen if the hero doesn’t act upon the plan? In your business, it’s important to highlight the consequences of inaction. Customers might be thinking, ‘What would happen if I don’t do this?’ or ‘What’s at stake if I don’t fix this problem?’. Answering these questions shows the urgency of taking action and helps motivate your customer to move forward.

    If Erin Brockovich had not persisted, the residents of Hinkley would have continued to suffer from contaminated water and the company would have escaped accountability for its negligence.
  7. Success:
    The transformation is complete when the hero successfully overcomes their problem. In your business, success is the outcome your customer achieves after following your guidance. Customers are often asking, ‘What does success look like for me?’ and ‘What results can I expect?’. Your messaging should help your customer see the clear benefits of your solution and how it will improve their situation. They need to be able to picture the successful outcome.

    Luke destroys the Death Star, the shark is obliterated, Harry defeats Voldemort, Daniel wins the karate tournament, Dorothy finds home, and Erin finds justice. 

How StoryBrand Helps Your Business Connect with Customers

StoryBrand allows businesses to clarify their message and connect with their customers in a compelling way. If you start to think like your customer, not like your business you can position your customer at the centre of your messaging and communications, as the hero of the story. You can show them that you understand their problem and that you’re the guide who can help them achieve success. 

Here’s how StoryBrand can help your business:

  • Clarifying the Message: Many small businesses struggle to communicate what they do effectively. Sometimes you have just seconds to stand out in a sea of noise. StoryBrand simplifies your message, helping customers quickly understand how you can help them solve their problem and achieve the results they’re looking for.
  • Engaging Content: From your website and emails, to your social media and presentations, StoryBrand helps you create content that speaks directly to your customer’s needs and desires. The more your message aligns with their journey and the questions they’re asking, the more engaged they’ll be with your brand.
  • Building Trust and Loyalty: By positioning yourself as the guide who can lead your customer from problem to success, you build trust and loyalty. Customers are more likely to stick with businesses that understand their challenges and offer clear solutions.

Applying StoryBrand to Your Marketing

At Simple Story Marketing, we use the StoryBrand framework to help businesses clarify their messaging and connect with their audience. By positioning your customers as the hero of the story and answering the questions they’re already asking, we help you build trust and guide them from problem to solution.

Your customers are seeking answers, and by providing those answers clearly and effectively, you position your business as the trusted guide they need. It’s not about selling - it’s about building a relationship based on understanding and delivering the solutions they’re looking for.

Let’s Clarify Your Message and Help Your Customers Succeed

If you’re ready to stop confusing your customers and start guiding them toward success, we’re here to help. At Simple Story Marketing, we combine the StoryBrand framework with an understanding of customer needs to craft messages that truly resonate.

Schedule a call today to see how StoryBrand can help you clarify your message and connect with your customers.

P.S. If you want to make 7 simple changes to your website content so it makes the customer the hero visit the homepage and download the free PDF.

Schedule a call and get clear and simple, story-based marketing and content for your website, social media, and email campaigns.
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StoryBrand Marketing Guide, Stafford, UK
Certified StoryBrand Marketing Guide since May 2021.
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